Celebrating Authentic Love

creating meaning and memories from the moments that matter the most

Andria was born to unite people in love & marriage! The ceremony was flawless…and exceptional! Our highest expectations were exceeded. She channeled the most beautiful words and helped create magic, peace and love!

Tuck & Sarah

let LOVE lead the way

Celebrating life’s milestones with spiritual intention gives meaning to the memories of these events and to the people that matter to us. Andria customizes these milestones through ritual and remembering, and she would love to celebrate with you and your loved ones. Weddings, elopements, vow renewals, baby namings, living memorials, funerals, celebrations of life and other milestones can be facilitated with interfaith and metaphysical presence.

Known as a fun, friendly and fabulous Wedding Officiant, Andria customizes wedding ceremonies while working in tandem with couples to bring their dreams to life, making memories that last forever. Blending cultural traditions with modern day interpretations, ceremonies can be simply beautiful or extremely extravagant, yet definitely unique and original.

As a Death Doula, Andria practices soul midwifery, creating sacred space to explore, discuss and contemplate physical death, focusing on what matters at the end of physical life. She facilitates customized heartfelt living memorials, celebrations of life and funerals, tailoring the ceremony to honor, respect and appreciate loved ones and their well lived lives.

Whatever your reason for connecting with Andria, know that it is a pleasure, honor, and a blessing to have you come into this space. May love lead your way!

In recognizing the Divinity of another we have the ability to fall deeply in authentic love with them, experiencing a richness and depth that goes beyond what we can describe. -Andria

About Andria

Sharing her knowledge, awareness, and passion for life with others for the sake of bringing more joy, peace and love into people’s daily lives, Andria lives with intention and plants seeds of positivity wherever she goes, filling the space with laughter and genuine joy.

Andria is an ordained Interfaith Metaphysical Minister and holds a doctorate degree in Metaphysics. Her greatest passion is in her role as a Wedding Officiant, celebrating with others the magic of coming together to express authentic love. Her soul’s work is to educate, advocate and open conversations regarding death, dying, loss and letting go, in her role as a Death Doula and Celebrant.

Redefining what it means to be a minister, Andria embraces her role as a leader in the community by inspiring others to expand their awareness of this game called life. She motivates people to create positive transformative change and assists in the releasing of outdated mindsets, while at the same time adding new thought patterns of limitless possibilities. She supports people in their spiritual search for truth, focusing on love over fear, and encourages people to empower themselves by following their intuition when making decisions, embracing the natural rhythm and flow of creation, and trusting the process of life as it unfolds.

As a teacher, Andria encourages humanity to move towards a simple and organic holistic lifestyle, creating harmony and peace with Gaia. She supports others to have an awareness of the present moment, to become mindful of their actions and words, and to acknowledge the Oneness of All that is.

Considered progressive in her thinking, Andria has a deep desire to understand the essence of information brought forward by various Master Teachers for the purpose of assisting with the current planetary shift in consciousness, or what has been called ‘The Great Awakening’. Many spiritual traditions have known about this current time of change on our planet, and having studied metaphysics for over twenty five years, Andria has a broad spectrum overview and understanding of what is taking place. Embracing her role in bringing forward a new paradigm, she is compelled to assist those who are waking up to truth and who want to move through life as part of the solution, those who are actively engaged as positive change makers, while helping humanity transition through its consciousness upgrade.

She teaches metaphysical principles, embraces new thought teachings, and is constantly redefining her own truth as new perspectives present themselves. Her politics are peace, her religion is love, nature is her church, the golden rule stands, and the truth shall set us all free. Question everything, follow your heart, and let love lead the way is her philosophy on life.

Defined as a spiritual advocate, environmental enthusiast, modern-day mystic, artist in flux, writer to be, giver of free hugs, confessed chocoholic, hopeful romantic and lover of laughter, Andria delights in celebrating the milestones of life and wonders at the possibility of what may be.


Metaphysical Minister ~ Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry

Metaphysical Minister ~ International Metaphysical Ministry

Doctor of Metaphysics ~ University of Sedona

Ordained Interfaith Minister ~ New Vision Interspiritual Seminary

Two Year Seminary Program ~ The New Seminary

End of Life Doula ~ Douglas College

Certified Death Doula ~ IAP Career College

Death Doula ~ Sacred Crossings

Practitioner of Death Midwifery ~ Sacred Crossings

Home Funeral Guide ~ Sacred Crossings

Certified Funeral Celebrant ~ Sacred Crossings

CINDEA ~ Home Funeral Guide

Certified NLP (Neuro Linguistics Programming) Practitioner ~ Erickson College

Certified Life Coach ~ IAP Career College

Bachelor of Arts ~ University of Calgary

modern wedding
champange and cake

Let's Connect

Falling into authentic love with the Oneness of All, including oneself, is remembering who and what we are. It is in remembering that we create lives of meaning, purpose and passion.

now booking for the 2025/2026 wedding seasons

Find me on Instagram!

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